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 Former nude woman was exposed

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Former nude woman was exposed  Empty
PostSubject: Former nude woman was exposed    Former nude woman was exposed  Icon_minitimeTue May 06, 2014 11:35 am

According to accompany women to the police station together with a friend Chow introduced this year, 27-year-old woman, Hubei, broke up with her boyfriend in August of this year, after breaking her ex-boyfriend's belongings will be taken away, but also sent a nude woman to woman through a network of relatives , so that the woman suffered a very serious mental blow. Ms Chow said the day before yesterday, the woman police station to big waves, police let the woman go to court, the woman yesterday afternoon to buy a fruit knife to the police station again, saying things that are not necessary to deal with suicide in the police station.

17:00, Southern reporter contacted Longhua Police. Police said the woman came to the police station the day before really, because she said the man released nude things, the day before yesterday unable to provide evidence, the police Not accepted. Yesterday afternoon, the woman provided to police after a nude photo of evidence, admissibility of the police station has been filed, is currently under investigation.

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