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 Glen Salmon

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Pontius Maximus
Pontius Maximus

Number of posts : 102
Age : 34
Location : Milan / Adelaide
Registration date : 2007-11-30

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PostSubject: Glen Salmon   Glen Salmon Icon_minitimeSat Dec 01, 2007 5:06 pm

Glen George Salmon was born December 24, 1977 in Harare, Zimbabwe is a professional football striker from South Africa, who plays for PAOK FC in Greece. Before that he played for NAC Breda (Netherlands), F.C. Groningen (Netherlands) and Supersport United in his home country.

On 18th July 2007 he signed a two year contract with Greek side PAOK FC.

Married to Roslyn Hart and has two children Jaimie and Keagan who all left South Africa on Sunday the 1st September to join him in Greece.

Glen also played in his amateur years with Alberton Football club in Johannesburg then went on to play for Supersport United. From there he went on to play in Holland.
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Pontius Maximus
Pontius Maximus

Number of posts : 102
Age : 34
Location : Milan / Adelaide
Registration date : 2007-11-30

Glen Salmon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glen Salmon   Glen Salmon Icon_minitimeSat Feb 16, 2008 5:15 pm

Salmon is a great PAOK attacker. he makes a lot of openings for and scores many goals for us.

Glen Salmon Salmon_paok
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